About Me

Hi! I'm Emily!

And this is Poppy!

Welcome to my page! Join me as I share photos, stories, and opinions on my travels and experiences living abroad!

I’m originally from the beautiful country of Canada, but I’ve been lucky enough to visit many countries and now have lived in Spain for 3 years and England for several months as well. The lovely Poppy came into my life in early 2022 in Spain.

Travel has been part of my life since I was young. Starting as young as 6 years old when I would be sent by myself on the plane to my grandparents house for summer. I was fortunate enough to come from a family that values experiences, so I got to start seeing the world young. This sparked my love of experiencing new cultures and seeing new and exciting places in the world.

One of my long term passions has been photography, both the grand views and scenery and the small details in flowers. I hope to inspire you through my photography from my journeys, while also providing valuable insights, experiences, and tips for you.

Join me on our adventures, soon I’ll be setting off somewhere new and saying goodbye to Spain (at least for the time-being). See new places, trying new things, and celebrating the beautiful creation that is our world and life! Together, let's celebrate the beauty and diversity of our world, one adventure at a time!

Poppy came into our lives in January 2022 in Southern Spain at around 10 months old. She had been found on the streets and originally we fostered her; but she quickly won us over and we kept her! Her first big trip was to Canada right after we adopted her. She's been many places since then! Weighing only 6kg means it's easy to travel with her.

Some of her favourite things are:

  • Running around on the beach
  • Floating on the 'donut' with me
  • Going for walks
  • Laser Pointers aka 'the red dot'

This is also a personal project to work on my coding development, filling the time currently since my old camera is broken! Please bare with me if the website breaks!